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Chemspec USA meant to fit the US needs A Quartz Business Media event

Quartz Business Media (QBM) specializes in the organisation ofbusiness-to-business events and publishing of market-leadingmagazines and directories in four main sectors: Glass andPrimary Metals; Chemicals; Coatings;Commodities.
These products were recently acquiredfrom DMG World Media, and form part ofthe next stage of development in theQuartz family of companies.Quar t z has always bel ieved in theconcept of publishing and exhibitionsynergy.“Not all media owners would agree, but itis a strategy that has worked for us inother parts of our group and we believe itwill continue to work for us and is alreadyshowing growth potential with the launchof new shows to be announced in thenear future”, states Paul R. Michael,Managing Director. ...