Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik
A new technology platform:
processes in flow

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Ehrfeld Mikrotechnik BTS GmbH (EMB), a 100% subsidiary of Bayer Technology Services GmbH is a leading supplier of microreaction technology products such as micro- and millireactor equipment and related devices for lab and production applications. With a metal-based technology platform placed on an integrated scale-up concept, EMB is offering standardized lab solutions with its Modular MicroReaction System (MMRS) and scale-up solutions with FlowPlate® Microreactors, ART® plate reactors and Miprowa® high performance reactors for flow rates up to 10 m3/hour. Among the range of hardware products, EMB trains, consults and guides customers during their evaluation and implementation of the technology platform micro- and millireactors from lab to production scale.