Connecting the “emotional body” and microbiome with the skin’s physiology, pathogenesis of disease and aging. The scientific foundations for Vibrational healing and Vibrational Cosmetics

Medical Director BE MIND BODY SKIN
Visiting Scientist Center for Dermal Research Rutgers The State University, New Jersey, USA
Adj. Professor Biomedical Engineering Rutgers, The State University, New Jersey, USA
In recent society we are interested in the impact of mental stress on the body. This mini -review takes a deeper look at evidence showing the physiologic changes in the skin as a result of emotional stress and its role in pathogenesis of chronic skin conditions and aging of skin. In this paper we will also relate the eastern concept of “Emotional Body” scientifically and the role of the microbiome and neuroendocrine pathways that are triggered in stress environments. Stress conditions exert their effects to the skin mainly through the hypothalamic pituitary adrenal (HPA) axis. Recent research has confirmed the skin to be both as an immediate stress perceiver and as a target of stress response. We will look at how this connection forms the basis of a new concept of vibrational cosmetics, the concept of which goes beyond approaching the skin as a single unit.
“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomenon it will make more progress in a decade than it did in all the previous centuries of existence.”
Nikola Tesla
The “emotional body” is a concept that originates in eastern philosophical texts that propose that living beings are multidimensional (1). There are ethereal body maps in eastern concepts that describe the body, anatomically, emotionally, mentally and energetically. The “emotional body” in a scientific light can be understood by connecting how emotions can change body physiology. An emotional state can be described as not only what is perceived but also the response of the body to stress and the end organ changes (2). Therefor, one can understand that the emotional body theoretically consists of both efferent and afferent responses from the source of stress to the physiological and chemical changes within the body.
The emotional body can be understood as the circuit that begins with receiving of the stress signal, the biochemical changes and then ultimate response to that stress by the body organs and tissue (3). Psychological stress arises when people are under mental, physical, or emotional pressure that exceed