The “Natural/Organic Story”: Myth against Reality

Product Manager Formula Protection, ROELMI HPC
The Household and the Nutraceutical industries, as well as our beloved Personal Care field, are the markets we already touched base on during the first part of this 2019 series of articles published by H&PC Today, TKS Publisher. We have recently discussed different perspectives of the Microbiota, which is, as we already know, one of the hottest trends of the Cosmetic industry and a well-established milestone in the Nutraceutical one. Now, it is time to move onto another trendy topic, loved / hated and undeniably on everybody’s lips: the Natural & Organic movement; don’t try to tell me you don’t perceive it everywhere… while watching the TV, when you go to the supermarket, at the restaurant, doing shopping, … It seems that everything has to be organic to be worth buying. In the personal care field, this is undeniable: the natural trend is one way or another of everyone interest; this is confirmed by market data showing how the natural and organic cosmetic & personal-care segment has been steadily growing for the past decade: the worldwide turnover of natural cosmetics amounted to approximately 8.4 billio ...