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Test data in REACH: requirements and developments
Examining developments in REACH and their impact on information requirements


REACHReady Ltd, Kings Buildings, Smith Square, London
SW1P 3JJ, United Kingdom

KEYWORDS: REACH, (EC) No 1907/2006, Registration Evaluation Authorisation and restriction of Chemicals.
The phasing in of REACH’s provisions began on 1 June 2007, now after two of the three registration deadlines in 2010 and 2013; the next major registration milestone, 31 May 2018, is looming. Various measures have been taken and are due to be applied as REACH is progressing through its eleven year transitional period. Some of the recent developments are discussed herein with a focus on their impacts on obligations for data requirements and the synergies between the developments.


More than eight years ago, REACH entered into force with the objectives of generating information on chemicals in order to allow for better protection of human health and the environment whilst enhancing competitiveness and innovation. In this period, EU REACH – Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and restriction (the silent ‘r’ in the acronym) of CHemicals – Regulation (1) has made a significant impact bot ...