Consumer Trust – where are you and “Quo vadis”?


European Food Information Council (EUFIC)

The need for healthy and sustainable food systems has never been more pressing, yet food systems have never been more complex than they are today. Despite a clear interest in the topics of health and sustainability, consumers often fail to act accordingly. This can be partly explained by the low levels of trust in the food value chain and its players. In a system where not all steps of the production, selling and regulation are visible to the end-consumer, trust plays a key role in the decision-making process. The TrustTracker® produces reliable year-to-year data for European consumers, showing that when trust is strong, we are better able to get consumers on board with innovations and plant-based diets that can move the EU towards a healthier and more sustainable food system.


The TrustTracker® is the result of a coordinated effort between the Universities of Reading, Aarhus and Warsaw as well as KU Leuven and the European Food Information Council, funded by the European Knowledge and Innovation Community EIT Food. This task force has developed a comprehensive model to measure and monitor consumer trust in the food value chain and its various providers a ...