Giacomo Berton, R&D Manager Assistant – Favini

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Active since 1736, Favini s.r.l. is known for its graphic specialties and is the market leader for casting release paper, widely used in the production of textures and finishing solutions in various industrial sectors. During the years, Favini focused more and more on improving the sustainability of its processes, aiming to reduce energy and water consumption, as well as virgin fibres. To reach these aims, Favini is investing in highly qualified researchers. Among them, Dr. Giacomo Berton PhD, R&D Manager Assistant in the paper-mill of Rossano Veneto (VI), is working on the development of new types of paper and papermaking technologies. After a PhD in Chemistry at Università Ca’ Foscari of Venice, Giacomo moved from the synthesis of triphenylenes for supramolecular applications to the chemist ... ...