Being technology agnostic, not ignorant


Innosyn, The Netherlands
Member of Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today Scientific Advisory Board

Dear Readers,
As new member of the Scientific Advisory Board I am happy to present to you the new issue of Chimica Oggi – Chemistry Today. I am taking over this function and honour from my colleague Dr. Rinus Broxterman who has been member of the Scientific Advisory Board for more than a decade. Being a true synthetic organic chemist by training, he over the years became a “technology agnostic” and fostered the development of industrially applied organic chemistry equally as chemo- or biocatalysis and flow and photo-chemistry. For decades as Corporate Scientist at DSM and in the last 5 years as CTO of InnoSyn up to his retirement in May this year. Thank you, Rinus, for all your valuable contributions to the various fields of industrial chemistry and to Chimica Oggi!


Myself, being an expert in biocatalysis and having studied biology, I will not be a 1:1 replacement in the board. But I am confident that the passion that I have for chemistry since my school days, will help me to fulfill this role equally well. Naturally, with an eye on developments and challenges in biocatalysis as well as biotechnology in a broader sense, while not neglecting th ...