Sami Halila, CNRS Researcher – Glycochemistry

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Dr. Sami Halila is a Grenoblois scientist and the academic winner of the seventh edition of the “Cosmetic Victories”, a French competition with a huge international resonance. “The Cosmetic Victories” contest awards research and excellence in cosmetics with two prestigious prizes: the academic and the industry one. More than 80 projects from 18 countries were examined during the 2022 edition. Dr. Halila succeeded in winning the academic prize with his “CARBOGEL, a Simple and Eco-Friendly Carbohydrate-Based Gelling Agent for Oily Phase”.
Your project “CARBOGEL”, a carbohydrate-based organogelator, seems to be a perfect way to apply green chemistry to cosmetics. Can you tell us a few words about it? What does a “Simple and Eco-Friendly Carbohydrate-Base ... ... ...