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- 09/25/2024

IBSA’s solutions for osteoarthritis

Chimica Oggi-Chemistry Today


Today osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease of the joints associated with the progressive deterioration and wearing away of the cartilage and disorders in the nearby structures, constitutes the most common cause of musculoskeletal disability across the globe and one of the heaviest burdens on public health services whatever the country. A problem that is bound to become more pressing due to an ageing population.

Nowaday, new treatments based on hyaluronic acid can counteract cartilage deficits, enhance the spontaneous repair processes and effectively control pain. Particularly viscosupplementation, that entails the infiltration of hyaluronic acid in a joint, helps to relieve the symptoms also for a long time, allowing to avoid or delay joint replacement surgery and to maintain an active lifestyle.

It is precisely in this area that IBSA, one of the world leaders in the production of hyaluronic acid by bio-fermentation, has developed SINOVIAL® HL and SINOGEL®, two viscosupplementation products for the treatment of osteoarthritis & MSK pathologies. They are in fact indicated for pain or reduced mobility due to degenerative diseases (arthrosis), post-traumatic conditions and tendinopathy associated with joint disabilities.

Based on the patented NAHYCO® HYBRID TECHNOLOGY IBSA’s solutions are able to convey high quantities of hyaluronic acid, optimising the viscous and elastic properties of the formulation and improving its resistance to the action of hyaluronidases through polymer chains of high and low molecular weight hyaluronic acid (L-HA). This innovative treatment allows for a high concentration of HA to be reached, without compromising ease and safety of the procedure (injection), while effectively mimicking the physical and mechanical properties of healthy synovial fluid.


Thanks to the NAYCO® patented production process IBSA has developed the innovative SINOVIAL® HL pre-filled syringes for intra-articular injection. Its administration brings a marked  reduction in pain, improved joint mobility, and reduced use of rescue medication. Its efficacy is already evident starting from the first injection and it lasts up to 6 months, suggesting a long-lasting carry-over effect of the treatment. This characteristic  allows to minimize the risks of infection caused by the injections themselves and by multiple rounds to the clinic.  


In Sinogel® high molecular weight hyaluronic acid is enriched by the presence of chondroitin – a substance naturally present in the connective tissues of the human body – in the highest percentage on the market today. Thanks to NAHYCO® patented procedure, the hyaluronic acid and chondroitin interact with each other, giving the solution special rheological characteristics. Re-establishing naturally the viscoelastic properties of the synovial fluid, Sinogel® administration reduces the pain quickly and improves joint and tendon mobility.