• Adonat® Premium SAMe: A long-standing flagship product, SAMe is a hot topic, with new research identifying its importance for mood and cognitive health. We see a flourishing appeal among adults of various ages, and an in-depth quality assessment against various SAMe ingredients in the market has confirmed the premium quality of our Adonat.
• ibSium® and Quatreflora™: Gnosis is one of the only companies offering probiotic yeasts specifically targeting digestive and women’s intimate health, respectively. We have excellent science confirming benefits for both.
• LANDKIND® Pure Salidroside: Gnosis’ newest introduction, this fantastic sports nutrition ingredient is crafted by fermentation to produce the active salidroside while protecting the native Rhiodiola botanical species from overharvesting. An exciting human clinical trial will be published in a respected peer-reviewed journal very soon.
• MenaQ7® Vitamin K2 and Quatrefolic® active folate: Here, we offer two outstanding clinically validated ingredients with exceptional safety profiles and are engaging deeper into the exciting complementary action. This is noteworthy as others are introducing similar ingredients/combinations without clinical validation.