Practically relevant catalysis and biocatalysis

Istituto per lo Studio dei Materiali Nanostrutturati, CNR, Palermo, Italy
Practically relevant and forward looking. These are the two features of the Catalysis and Biocatalysis special supplement we had the privilege to edit following the previous issues edited by Ian Grayson in 2016 and Volker Hessel in 2015. Inviting the prominent academic and industrial research chemists who kindly accepted to contribute to this issue, we asked them to present selected recent research from their Labs focusing on outcomes that have “found, or may realistically find soon, practical application in industry”. Practically relevant and forward looking. These are the two features of the Catalysis and Biocatalysis special supplement we had the privilege to edit following the previous issues edited by Ian Grayson in 2016 and Volker Hessel in 2015. Inviting the prominent academic and industrial research chemists who kindly accepted to contribute to this issue, we asked them to present selected recent research from their Labs focusing on outcomes that have “found, or may realistically find soon, practical application in industry”.
Reporting the response of fine chemical companies interviewed on the choice of catalyst (enzyme, organo- or me ...