Bag-on-valve (BOV) technology in cosmetic products
RES PHARMA Srl, via G. Pastore 3, 20056 Trezzo s/Adda (MI), Italy
The BOV system comprises an aerosol valve heat-welded to a poly-laminated aluminium bag (Figure 1), into which the product to be dispensed is injected, through the valve channels, after the valve has been crimped to the aerosol container.
When the valve is being crimped to the container, the crimp head inserts compressed air into the external area between the bag and the can (Figure 2).
The final pressure is obtained after filling the bag with the product to be dispensed, by expansion of the bag, which compresses the air in the area between the bag and the can, and brings the system to the final user pressure.
The final pressure is obtained by optimising the initial pressure of the air inserted from the crimp head, which is usually regulated to a pressure of 3.8-4.2 bar, to obtain a final pressure of 8.5-9 bar. ...