Potential application of canola proteins in food manufacture A functionality overview
*Corresponding author
E.H. Graham Centre for Innovative Agriculture and Charles Sturt University, School of Agricultural and Wine Sciences, Private Bag 588, Wagga Wagga, NSW 2678, Australia
This review provides an assessment of current studies on the technological functionality of canola proteins as well as their
potential application as nutritionally functional ingredients after enzymatic hydrolysis. Majority of currently available unmodifi ed canola protein isolates have poor emulsifying, foaming and gelling properties probably owing to the isolation technologies which generate products with poor dispersibility in aqueous systems. Isolation techniques specifi cally targeting more water-soluble fractions while reducing the level of antinutritional factors such as phenolics, glucosinolates and phytates should improve these functional properties and hence, their utilisation as food ingredients. There is also an emerging potential in the application of canola protein hydrolysates for their nutritional functionality wherein angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and
antioxidant properties have been confirmed.
ABSTRACT: This review provides an assessment of current studies on the technological functionality of canola proteins as well as their
potential application as nutritionally functional ingredients after enzymatic hydrolysis. Majority of currently available unmodifi ed canola protein isolates have poor emulsifying, foaming and gelling properties probably owing to the isolation technologies which generate products with poor dispersibility in aqueous systems. Isolation techniques specifi cally targeting more water-soluble fractions while reducing the level of antinutritional factors such as phenolics, glucosinolates and phytates should improve these functional properties and hence, their utilisation as food ingredients. There is also an emerging potential in the application of canola protein hydrolysates for their nutritional functionality wherein angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory activity and
antioxidant properties have been confi rmed.