Omya offers high purity natural calcium carbonates for fortification purposes. With its high content of bioavailable elemental calcium (approximately 40
Duplicating milk-like properties in terms of colour and smooth mouthfeel can be challenging. Yet, thanks to its refractive index, Calcipur® 90 – KP has sucessfully been shown to significantly improve overall opacity. When it comes to ensuring an enjoyable drinking experience, it is vital to reduce calcium ingredient sedimentation to an absolute minimum. Here, the size of the particles is decisive to provide an ideal mouthfeel. With controlled surface properties and particle size, Omya’s calcium carbonate settles slower than comparable technical solutions. In addition, stabilizers help to further control sedimentation as they increase the viscosity. Calcipur® 90 – KP is compatible with all common stabilizing agents used in beverage formulations. It also works at different viscosities from low to high. Omya is not just an expert supplier of calcium carbonate, it’s also a global distributor. The company has a wide range of versatile ingredients available, such as stabilizers, sweetening systems and flavors, which perfectly complement the calcium portfolio. As such, the company is able to support its customers with all-in-one solutions. “The growing desire for vegan options is a current driver and offers great potential for our business. Many consumers now eschew cow milk products because of ethical or intolerance reasons but don’t want to miss out on their nutritional benefits,” explains Stefan Lander, Vice President Consumer Goods at Omya. “Because of our formulation expertise and our wide-ranging ingredient distribution portfolio, we are able to develop non-dairy drinks that combine indulgence with a highly valuable nutritonal profile.”