A new Green Award at in-Cosmetics Global for LESSONIA:
Three years after being rewarded for the launch of Celluloscrub, a biodegradable substitute to the polyethylene beads, LESSONIA is happy to announce that it has obtained the Gold Ingredient Award in the Green selection during the ceremony of the 2018, 17th April at in-Cosmetics Amsterdam. This reward is attributed to the FUCOREVERSE active and is a proof of true recognition of the constant work of the company to elaborate sustainable ingredients since 15 years for the manufacturers of cosmetic products.
Fucoreverse, an anti-ageing marine active respectful of the environment:
Fucoreverse is an anti-wrinkles cosmetic active principle from marine origin born from a technology of algae bio-refinery, in a logic of circular economy.
“Algae are an unsuspected resource in bioactive molecules. But, instead of extracting the molecule of interest and throwing the other components, we reuse an extraction’s sub-product from the Breton algae processing industry. In this way, the totality of the algal biomass is valorised.
We contribute to the preservation of the marine resource while limiting the quantity of waste usually rejected into the sea and which can cause environmental imbalances. Furthermore, the transformation method only involves soft manufacturing processes without adding solvent or chemical products.
A traditional extraction process would normally requires 15 Kg of fresh algae to manufacture 1 Kg of Fucoreverse. So, each Kg used to produce this active implies the preservation of 15 Kg of algae”.
Thanks to this Gold Award, Lessonia demonstrates that the objective of reducing the impact of its activity on the environment is compatible with the research of performance, as the Fucoreverse active, known for its anti-ageing objectivised efficacy with clinical tests, enables to economise 15kg of fresh algae per Kg of active.
Discover Fucoreverse: http://www.lessonia.com/index.php?rub=fucoreverse_2