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- 05/30/2018

Detergent Regulation review and digitalisation could lead to more effective consumer info

HPC Today

A.I.S.E. has released the findings from European consumer research conducted at the end of 2017. With half of consumers never reading information on pack before buying the product, and 56

Every 3 years since 2008, A.I.S.E. commissions a pan-European survey on consumers’ habits and perceptions. The 2017 edition included more than 4,600 people in 23 countries and provides rich content. Of particular interest to the Detergent Regulation review initiated by the European Commission mid 2017, we see a declining trend in consumers reading information before using the product versus 2008 (from 75 research conducted by A.I.S.E.2 on back labels show clear opportunities for potential improvements via the upcoming review.

“Although the implementation of the Detergent Regulation has been a success, new legislation adopted since then (CLP, Biocides) has led to many overlaps, resulting in crowded labels. Too much and redundant information is counterproductive to safe use. We see that behaviour is actually driven more by experience than by on pack information. We believe that simplification of labels to enable safe and correct use of products (e.g. via safe use icons), combined with the transparent provision of information via digital means should be key priority for this upcoming review” says Arndt Scheidgen A.I.S.E. President.

The data also provides interesting findings notably with regard to dosage, sustainable consumption and safe storage. While 74

Susanne Zänker, A.I.S.E. Director General, concludes: “The value of cleanliness and hygiene in and outside the home is also confirmed by this research. We are committed to continue delivering this key service to society in a responsible and sustainable way, and in close dialogue with all stakeholders”.



  1. Eurobarometer 360, 2011- “Every day detergents’ safety instructions are read (most of the time or always) by 45
  2. A.I.S.E. BRES Better Regulation and Safe Use project and related research – see