Around 60 participants from several European countries discussed the sustainable future of smoking in late October.
“Responsibility for Consumer and Environment Protection” was the theme of the fourth International CleanSmoke Coalition Congress in Hamburg/Germany. Since 2017, the CleanSmoke Coalition has been inviting the industry to discuss and exchange ideas. The focus this year was on socially relevant issues such as how food can be produced more sustainably, how a clear declaration of CleanSmoke as smoke can be achieved and what benefits there are for manufacturers, retailers and consumers.

For Uwe Vogel, Chairman of the CleanSmoke Coalition, it is clear that the topics of the CleanSmoke Coalition Congress are more important than ever: “Climate change and sustainability are the topics of our time. Both the food industry and every consumer must play their part in stopping climate change and promoting sustainability. The CleanSmoke Coalition can play its part. With CleanSmoke, food can be smoked in the traditional but sustainable way.”
New study on modern smoking
Frank Quiring of rheingold Institute for Psychological market research presented a brand new study on consumer expectations of smoking processes. Lisa Zastrow from the Max Rubner Institute (MRI) in Kulmbach explained the possibilities for minimizing the PAH content in meat products and Dr. Ute Ostermeyer from the MRI in Hamburg informed about 3-MCPD in smoked fish. The genotoxicity of smoke and smoke flavourings was explained by Lothar Fruth and Christopher Proske from the German Environment Agency reported on the reorganization of best available techniques (BAT) and their impact on industry. Dr. Christian Geßner from the Witten/Herdecke University commented on the promotion of sustainable change in the food supply chain. And Swedish smoking market expert Peder Fischer provided a glimpse of Scandinavia. After all, more than 90 percent of products in Sweden are already smoked with CleanSmoke.
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