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- 10/10/2018

The Personalised Nutrition Innovation Summit is Launching in Europe

AgroFOOD Industry Hi Tech

Following on from its success in USA earlier in the year, the Personalised Nutrition Innovation Summit now launches in Europe for the first time, this December.

Tech start-ups, lifestyle start-ups, big nutrition companies and academics from across Europe will meet in London on 5-6 December to discuss recent innovations in the personalised nutrition industry. They will come together to discuss issues surrounding commercialisation, consumer motivation, the personalised nutrition ecosystem, and to explore emerging research and how the industry can quantify personalised nutrition and put it to the test.

The Personalised Nutrition Innovation Summit USA was a huge success for Kisaco Research, with glowing comments across the board:

  • “The event was like peeking through a window into the future of nutrition. A great opportunity to collaborate with the most dynamic innovators and influencers in our industry.” – Heather Morgan, Integrative Nutrition Consultant Designs for Health
  • “What an exciting and growing field. I’m excited to be a part of this amazing group of professionals making nutrition and healthcare more accessible!” – Brooke Scheller, Head of Nutrition at Freshly
  • “What a thrill to have all of the leaders and innovators in personalised nutrition in one room! Super educational and interesting!” – Susan Bratton, Founder & CEO at Savor Health

The Summit will also play host to several leading start-ups, including Vita Mojo and Fresh Fitness Food, who have identified points of commercialisation for personalised nutrition on which to structure their business models. Those attending the Summit will have the opportunity to observe case studies from them both, as well as case studies from Carbiotix and Innit. Carbiotix is a biotech whose business model is disrupting the supplement industry with their first-of-its-kind personalised soluble fibre supplement; whilst Innit are paving the way for collaborations between large corporations and personalised nutrition start-ups.

Previous attendees include Montoloeder, who have proved for the first time that automated, web-based personalised nutrition platforms such as InsideTracker are effective in improving the wellness of users through the generation of personalised dietary intervention. This shift towards quantification will be discussed at the Summit by Suzan Wopereis, in her “Measuring the Outputs of Nutritional Interventions” talk.

The Summit will continue to tackle the “Nature vs. Nurture” debate that is at the forefront of contemporary scientific discourses. An interactive panel discussion, “To what extent does DNA and lifestyle impact health?” encourages audience participation and allows for participants to submit their own questions and engage in live polls to both challenge the conversation, and to address their own concerns. Through this format the Summit aims to continue along its trajectory of tackling contemporary worries associated with the future of personalised nutrition.

Further attendees include esteemed academics Professor Barbara Knox and Professor Graham Finlayson who will be tackling consumer behaviour, the demand for personalised nutrition, and consumer motivation.

Alyson Greenhalgh-Ball, the Senior Director of Global Health and Wellness at The Kellogg Company will be discussing both their strategy and what challenges Kellogg’s face with progressing into personalised nutrition, and how they are managing collaborations with tech start-ups.

Chiara Nembrini from Nestlé is attending to discuss the future of infant nutrition, whilst Sofia Moco, also from Nestlé, will discuss the benefits and caveats of polyphenols. Complete event information is available online at Reduced rates to attend the event are available for emerging companies and all Agro FOOD Industry Hi-Tech readers are eligible for a 10