50 shades of skin microbiota

A clear investigation on the interaction between cosmetic ingredients and skin ecosystem considering skin safety and efficacy of good-for-microbiota formulas. A preservative system is absolutely required for consumer safety; will it interact with probiotic-derived ingredients aiming at microbiota care? Discover our approach for a 360° consideration of our skin inhabitants.
Summer means sun, sea, relaxing, exploring, getting tan… but also working with more than 30°C in the office! Science never stops, so here we are once again talking about what has become the key word in the cosmetic world: the skin microbiota!
Speaking about the hot season, what happens when human skin is exposed to sun rays? A good sun care cream with SPF can make a difference and is absolutely required to protect the skin. What happens in real life is that sometimes it’s difficult to obtain a homogeneous distribution on every part of our body. Consequently, some areas are more or less exposed to UVA and UVB rays, production of melatonin is differently modulated and, even without noticing it, we develop 50 (or more) shades of coloured skin on our body.
That is more or less what our microbiota is like: it’s part of the same ecosystem, with huge differences within each body parts. As an example, there are specific locations with a unique microflora: gut, skin, scalp, oral and vaginal environments are simply so characteristic that their inhabitants are distinctive. Every district, were microbes live, is a balanced comple ...