A chair, a lipstick, an advertisement and a single soul: design

Editor in Chief (Tks Publisher)
On April, the yearly furniture exhibition (Salone del Mobile) in Milan was a worldwide attraction for the design professionals, as the design itself is strictly connected with furniture, interior decoration, fitting out and architecture. Milan was an attraction for design not only inside the main exhibition area, but in the most stylish and central districts of the town, because everywhere exhibitions, events, meetings, parties and debates have been organized mixing design with art, culture, fashion industry.
In fact, design has always been an Italian excellence, with its symbols: from Ferrari to Vespa. Maybe this is a result of the tradition created by the Renaissance age workshops where (it is sufficient to mention Leonardo da Vinci) painting, sculpture, scientific and humanistic culture melted altogether.
Inside Italy, Milan was historically the capital of design. The artists as Boccioni, Carrà and many others who created the “Futurismo” at the beginning of the last century are still considered among the founders of modernity, design and advertising graphics. All these disciplines were cultivated (practically created) by a mo ...