A medical device tablet class III for weight management and cholesterol control

AENOVA – Swiss Caps AG Husenstr. 35 Kirchberg / SG, 9533, Switzerland
KEYWORDS: Obesity; cardiovascular diseases; weight management; cholesterol control; co-polymer of glucosamine and acetyl-glucosamine; CaloriSorb; medical device product class III.
ABSTRACT: CaloriSorb tablet is a medical device class III product containing a natural co-polymer of glucosamine and acetyl-glucosamine in order to generate weight loss and to control cholesterol levels. The natural polymer is well tolerated and suitable for long-term administration. Its particularly high fat-binding capacity helps to neutralize calories in fat-rich diets. Furthermore it is odourless; colourless and tasteless; free of allergens; viruses and other contaminants. The scientific evidence of the active substance has been proven in various studies
Obesity is today recognized as one of the most important public health problems facing the world. It is more common globally than under-nutrition. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO) there are around 475 million obese adults with over twice that number overweight which means that around 1.5 billion adults are too fat. In add ... ...