A word on sustainability with Brian Sansoni, American Cleaning Institute (ACI)

Vice President, Sustainability Initiatives
Vice President, Communication & Membership
American Cleaning Institute (ACI)
“Sustainability”, in your opinion what does this term means today? In your opinion, today sustainability is more a claim or a commitment for companies?
The American Cleaning Institute defines sustainability - as it relates to the cleaning product supply chain – as “The ability to create products providing hygiene and cleanliness, in a manner that is environmentally sound, socially responsible and economically viable, without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs.”
This updated language was recently approved by ACI’s Board of Directors as we looked to revise the association’s sustainability mission and principles, introduced originally in 2004.
At ACI we see our sustainability mission as enabling our membership to drive improvements in sustainability across our industry and throughout our supply chain by striving to align business practices with the following principles:
- Protect human health and the environment against undesirable impacts
- Optimize use of the planet’s resources across all phases of a product’s lifecycle
- Govern our businesses with integrity, ... ...