A word on sustainability with Dr. Ralf Zerrer, Head of Strategic Marketing ICS, Clariant

“Sustainability”, in your opinion what does this term mean today? In your opinion, is sustainability more a claim or a commitment for companies?
Sustainability to Clariant means balancing the three dimensions of economy, environment and society. We have taken the principle of the United Nations 1992 Rio de Janeiro Conference on the environment and development – achieving a balance between economy and ecology – and expanded the environmental considerations with social aspects. We see this as the whole foundation for sustainability.
Sustainability has gone beyond being a trend to become a commitment for companies. Why? Without sustainability, companies cannot be successful in the long run. Sustainable production means to create long term values that help future generations to meet their needs. This can only be achieved by the efficient use of resources, by the development of innovative solutions, and by treating people fairly and with respect. This attitude towards doing business opens up opportunities and is a factor which is becoming increasingly important for companies to set themselves apart from competitors. While sustainability for co ...