A word with Elio Mignini President of SICC

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The Italian cosmetic sector can boast a long tradition of research and innovation, which translates into products that rank Italy as a leading country in the industry in terms of product quality and market positioning. SICC is the scientific association of the cosmetic sector which, by extensively networking with research institutes, academia and the industry, has been promoting the development of Cosmetic Sciences and a culture of well-being for over 50 years. The activities that SICC carries out to so effectively permeate Italy's cosmetic sector include organizing events, seminars and conferences. In addition, the association also provides the cosmetic industry with its own members, around 400 people including technologists, researchers and qualified specialists. All this is done with strong passion and determination, focusing on young people who commit to carrying on a unique wealth of knowledge, culture and tradition. SICC's work is carried out by paying special attention to the challenges posed by the growing ...