A word with Ilona Haaijer from DSM Nutritional Products

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Ilona Haaijer, Senior Vice President, Personal Care at DSM Nutritional Products, Heerlen, The Netherlands
In the last few years DSM Nutritional Products has gone through significant changes and developments and today represents one of the most innovative players in the personal care market worldwide. We have asked - Ilona Haaijer Senior Vice President at DSM Nutritional Products to talk about the latest developments and actual vision of the Company.
Q. Dear Ilona a personal note: what's about your professional life, experience and your position in DSM?
I had the privilege to build a very international career so far. I lived and worked in the Netherlands, the US, the UK, Australia, and I am currently based in Switzerland
My career is marked by managing, building, growing, and turning around global businesses – particularly in a consumer-branded environment.
I began in pr ...