Advertising self-regulation in the U.S. and cosmetics cases

Annie M. Ugurlayan
Advertising Self-Regulatory Council. New York, USA
This article focuses on the U.S. advertising self-regulation and its review of cosmetics claims. The article also explores hot topics in this area and provides guidance to advertisers on what to do and not to do when crafting advertising claims in this area
Cosmetics advertising promises beauty. Whether its longer lashes, fuller lips, more youthful skin, advertising sells by telling consumers what products will do. Consumers will only buy the products if they believe the advertising claims are true. As a result, advertisers should substantiate their advertising claims to insure that they are truthful, accurate and not misleading. To protect consumers, many countries have governmental bodies that prohibit deceptive advertising as well as self-regulatory mechanisms to resolve disputes about the truthfulness and accuracy of advertising claims. In the United States, both governmental regulation and self-regulation together provide guidance to industry to create a level playing field for all companies and ensure that consumers make better purchasing decision by receiving truthful and accurate information about the goods they wish to purchase. This article will discuss advertising self-regulation in the United States and its guidance in cosmetics cases that insures that consumers receive truthful information about the cosmetics products they are purchasing and, ultimately, boosts the credibility of brands that follow self-regulatory guid ...