AI: Under the Bonnet


Stamato Solutions, USA

We are in the middle of a “hype-cycle” (1) regarding artificial intelligence(AI). For better - the excitement of new technology gets us to talk to one another. And worse - a lot of energy that could advance the technology is lost on all the hype and unrealistic expectations. Given all the noise, what can we do that is productive?


Like the mRNA technology for the COVID vaccine, the current AI developments have been a long time in the making. What we see now is step change as we reach a tipping point in the size of computing power and our creativity in using it. Moore’s Law has held true for a half century (2) and the growth of cloud solutions (3) makes it easier to access massive computing power. The rollout of ChatGPT (4) got our attention focused on all of this put together.


It is a step change that will touch every part of a business. The “bot” that helps you navigate a consumer service site is suddenly more intelligent. The model that predicts your supply chain needs, is more accurate. Large technical data sets yield previously undiscoverable insights. Your car can drive itself. And then the dark side: is that news clip ...