Celebrating 2011 Year of chemistry

The 63rd General Assembly of the United Nations hasadopted a resolution proclaiming 2011 as InternationalYear of Chemistry. The UN’s Educational, Scientific andCultural Organization (Unesco) and the International Union ofPure and Applied Chemistry (Iupac) have taken the lead inplanning the event. The goals of IYC2011 are to increase thepublic appreciation of chemistry in meeting world needs, toencourage interest in chemistry among young people, and togenerate enthusiasm for the creative future of chemistry. Theyear 2011 will coincide with the 100th anniversary of the Nobel Prize awarded to Madame Marie Curie-an opportunity tocelebrate the contributions of women to science.The year will also be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Association of Chemical Societies, providing achance to highlight the benefits of international scientificcollaboration. Under the unifying theme “Chemistry-our life, our future,” IYC 2011 will offer a range of interactive, entertaining,and educational activities for all ages. The Year of Chemistry is intended to reach across the globe, with opportunities forpublic participation at the loc ...