Chemical Properties and Component Analysis on Recovery Efficiency of the Recycling Agents

1. Management School, Fujian University of Technology 1(China), 350108;
2. Department of Civil Engineering National Central University 2(Taiwan, ROC),32001


According to the statistical data from the Department of Ministry of Transportation (R.O.C.), the data showing that the total length of road in Taiwan is increasing each year, and currently reaching 42,520 km. The annual maintenance of asphalt pavement reflects that output of eliminating material has continued to increase. Although recycled asphalt concrete has been implemented for many years, which can save costs, also in line with the concept of reuse of waste policy. The main purpose of this study to explore the renewing effect of recycling agent to the aged mastic asphalt. Chemical analysis of the main ways to experiment, rheological analysis supplemented. The test results are displayed recycling agents better than softener. Further analysis of the functional group to the area to establish recovery efficiency index. From the test results, when the value is less than 3.0 to determine the recycling agent to add is almost no recovery ability. When the value is greater than 8 show this recycling agent has a certain recovery ability, which recycled asphalt concrete pavement also has better durability. Also in Component Index, the proposed value must be greater than 2.3 to ensure recycling agents really complement RAP loss of ingredients.


Recycling additives are mainly used to recover the aged asphalt film of the reclaimed asphalt pavement in order to meet target design of the physical and chemical characteristics like the raw asphalt. Recycling additives can be classified into softening agents and recycling agents. (Roberts et al., 1996). Materials that change asphalt cement characteristics include softening agents, recycling agents, reclaiming agents, fluxing agents, diffusion agents, and modifying agents (Ciou, 2009). The recycled asphalt concrete functions differ based on project cases, sandstone materials, and design requirements. Some researchers have made the following stipulations for the quality requirements of recycling agents:

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