Coffee silverskin extracts: a new naturalingredient obtained from coffee by-products

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1. REQUIMTE, Department of Chemical Sciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Porto, Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira, 228, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal
2. Fourmag Lda., Parque Industrial do Cruzeiro, Rua Nossa Senhora D’Ajuda, n.º 150, 4815 Moreira de Cónegos, Portugal
In recent years, sustainable approaches have become an essential challenge for different industries. Demands of sustainability are leading to the study of new cosmetic ingredients obtained from food by-products. Also, there is an increasing interest of cosmetic industry on natural extracts. Coffee silverskin (CS) is a main by-product of the coffee roasting procedure without commercial value, being discarded as a solid waste. Recent studies described the CS composition and also its possible use as cosmetic ingredient. In this review, CS composition is detailed, as well as the current applications in the cosmetic field, particularly in dermocosmetic products.
Alongside rising interest in natural products for health and personal care applications, there is a trend towards the use of environmentally-friendly products obtained by sustainable resources. By-products valorization is a relatively new concept in the field of industrial residues management, promoting the principle of sustainable development. Nowadays, a new tendency in cosmetic formulations is the use of raw materials obtained from food by-products, usually discarded as waste (1-5). Particularly, the use of ingredients with antioxidant, immunomodulatory or photoprotective purposes, obtained from food by-products or natural products without added value, taking in account questions of s ... ...