Date pits (Phoenix dactylifera (L.)) waste to best

*Corresponding Author
Department of Food Science and Nutrition, College of Food and Agricultural Sciences,
King Saud University, P.O. Box 2460 Riyadh 11451, Saudi Arabia
Phoenix dactylifera (L.) fruit is considered one of the oldest and nutritionally richest fruits on earth. Its ever-growing production and consumption yield pits about 10-15 % of the total fruit production that threatens its recycling. Several researchers have evaluated its chemical composition and phytochemicals profile that have shown bioactivities in vitro. In milieu to that various functional foods and beverages have also been tried. This mini review summarizes the potential usefulness of date pit as a viable healthy ingredient in some processed foods.
Date stone, the core of phoenix dactylifera (L.) fruit is the main collateral stream obtained concomitantly with many date products, i.e. date paste, date syrup and confectionery, etc. Normally, date stone accounts 10-13 %, or sometimes even higher, of the fruit's total weight on a dry mass basis, depending upon the cultivar and cultural conditions. The ever-growing production of date fruit till today, with nearly 8 million tons in 2010 (1), has been generating a handful of unwanted waste in the form of date stones threatening its recycling even to the developed countries like USA. However, wise utilization of this waste date-pit might be helpful in date cultivation, and finally in income enhancement of this sector.
Morphologically, date pit ranges 2.0 to 2.5 cm in length with 6 to 8 mm thickness. The stone colour varies from light brown to dark brown based on varietal variations without an obvious flavour and scent, but with a slightly bitter sensation. Chemically, date seed has been evaluated extensively indicating the significant amount of crude oil (9.0g/100g), protein (5.1g/100g) and a major ...