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Detergency today Moving forward on sustainability American Cleaning Institute

American Cleaning Institute® (formerly The Soap and Detergent Association)
1331 L Street NW, Suite 650, Washington, DC 20005, USA

December 2011: this year will be remembered as one of the most hectic of recent times. A moment of great changes, maybea transition into a new idea on how our world should be. As far as chemistry is concerned no doubt that detergency represents a key challenge since ever. This challenge has been accepted by all the players in this wide and strategic market, made ofmassive quantities of products, ingredients and turned into an opportunity. The “sustainability” statement, originally born as akind of green fl ag is today a driving, complex concept, which involves every aspect of our daily life. This process, the progress of this concept, has been also possible thanks to the hard work, probably “mission” is the most appropriate term, of associations who have been devoting energies and resources to such a critical issue.So, today, we are glad to give voice to the American Cleaning Institute, to their work, vision, expectations. All this, with a special wish for their future activities from the staff of our journal. ...