Digital and healthcare, a winning mix for users

Auvergne University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Digital era appears as a mutation to follow that can simplify and provide helpful assistance in the whole target of healthcare. Monitoring diseases with apps, integrate digital as reminders in packaging or as new tools for manufacturing drugs is now a reality. A short overview is proposed on various products that focused on the users’ benefit.
Definitely, it is beyond all doubt, that we are living in a digital era with the internet widely integrated in our everyday life. Numerous offers allow people to stay connected with multiple exchanges on various topics without any geographical barriers. A lot of free (or low cost) software have been developed; they allow a broad range of applications from the more simple (communication and email between generations) to the more dedicated (technical solution for the medical device to monitor treatment) or simply to provide an education on the disease. Digital systems can be integrated both on packaging and directly on drug forms.
Digital health, general definitions and main guidance
World Health Organization (WHO) defines eHealth as the transfer of health resource/care by electronic means, for deliver health information; improve public health service (educational and training of health workers), use of e-business practice in health systems management (1). mHealth represents the ‘eHealth’ accessible by smartphone or tablet allowing the delivery of healthcar ...