Digitalisation in the cosmetic industry

Director General, The International Natural and Organic Cosmetics Association (NATRUE)
Digitalisation can have a profound impact on the way businesses interact with consumers, and the cosmetic industry is no exception. How consumers purchase, explore and discover brands is changing with new channels such as e-commerce. Digitalisation has also meant the development of new technologies, marketing opportunities and communication platforms. In terms of technology before or at point of sale, beauty brands have been developing in the last years innovative methods to meet consumer demands and needs. To move with the times, it is essential for beauty brands to have technology at the centre of their marketing strategy and digital presence. In this article we analyse the opportunities and challenges that come with the market digitalisation.
Digitalisation can have a key impact on the way businesses interact with consumers, and the cosmetic industry and natural and organic cosmetic (NOC) sector are no exceptions. The impact of digitalisation on a single market can mean that practices and rules which once applied may no longer be sufficient. To better regulate this changing landscape within the EU, the EU Commission has recently developed new strategies and legislative proposals aimed to updating the single market in terms of ease of access to goods and services both for the citizens and for the businesses so these are fit for the digital age. Examples include the adoption of a regulation to ban unjustified geo-blocking in the single market (1) and the subsequent launch of the EU Digital Single Market strategy (2).
Changes that arise with the digitalisation of markets are affecting cosmetics as well. For example, the transition from the traditional ‘brick and mortar’ models to the growing online marketplace whilst keeping pace with emerging trends and rapidly changing consumerism patterns. How consumers purchase, explore and discover brands an ...