Effective colour measurement of cosmetics Best practices still rely on three basic elements
X-Rite Europe GmbH, Althardstrasse 70, Regensdorf, CH-8105, Switzerland
In the world of colour measurement, fast cars and glamorous women go together in more ways than one.
The automotive industry globally has developed eye-catching paints and coatings over the past decade to accentuate the
design of their
vehicles, along with the techniques to tightly control the colour and appearance of their products to maintain quality and reduce
Like the automakers, cosmetics manufacturers have invented stunning products that emphasize the curves of their customers’
cheekbones or fi ngernails with formulations that change chroma, hue or lightness of a colour - just with the tilt of one’s head.
Cosmetic makers also are expanding the use of effect pigments to create glittering containers and wraps that differentiate their
products on store shelves from their competition. ...