Green chemistry and reconsidering simple analytical methods

Piia Jõul, Maria Kuhtinskaja, Merike Vaher, Mihkel Koel*
*Corresponding author
Institute of Chemistry at Tallinn University of Technology, Akadeemia 15, Tallinn 12618, Estonia
Simple analytical methods and the concept of fitness for purpose in selecting the proper analytical method are presented in this article. Spectroscopic methods for the determination of phenolic compounds can be easily replaced by a paper assay with similar analytical parameters.
Based on the latest publications about trends in analytical chemistry (1,2), one can easily get the impression that complicated and highly sensitive and selective instruments, usually with a high level of automation, are the only analytical solutions that are acceptable and worthy of attention. However, there are also “green” approaches such as miniaturisation in sample handling and separation, and using sensors for detection. The extensive integration of communication technology into analytical methods and using mathematical methods in information and data handling are helping to make analysis less resource-intensive.
Contemporary analytical chemistry can be defined as research that develops and optimises analytical processes with respect to the consumption of material and energy and the generation of waste, inherent safety, non-toxicity, and environmental friendliness (3). It provides an excellent basis for modernising analytical chemistry from the standpoint of social responsibility.
The main requirements of analytical procedures are to provide appropriate analytical sensitivity, selectivity, accuracy and precision according ...