Green manufacturing: making the switch to modern technology

Member of Chemistry Today Scientific Advisory Board, Ireland
Why should the chemical manufacturing industries modernise their manufacturing processes? Afterall, if it ain’t broke don’t fix it. There are decades of tried and tested methods of manufacturing and chemistries that have produced some of the most important products for humanity. It is also the case that existing technology often produces the most efficient manufacturing processes.
Every day we hear about new technology being utilised to address some of the most challenging issues, not least climate change and pollution. We are aware of the need to switch from diesel to electric vehicles or to ditch the car altogether and use public transport. We know it’s better to switch from oil or gas to electric heat pumps to heat our homes in a more environmentally friendly manner. Even a simple cup of coffee brings with it a technology consideration where we are reminded to use reusable or at least biodegradable cups. Government incentives in the form of energy grants or tax incentives are often used to persuade people to adopt green technology. However, oftentimes it is the case that the investment required to adopt these technologies is prohibitive from a cos ...