IBSA – Osteoarthritis and viscosupplementation


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Today osteoarthritis constitutes the most common cause of musculoskeletal disability across the globe and one of the heaviest burdens on public health services in any country.


Osteoarthritis is a degenerative disease of the joints associated with the progressive deterioration and wearing away of the cartilage and disorders in the nearby structures, especially the bone. It is most frequently found in the hands, hips, knees and spine and is probably the most common disease of all after the age of 65. The basic clinical signs are pain, stiffness and progressive functional limitation, which may be associated with varying degrees of deformity. All over the world this disease is increasing due to the ageing of the population.


Osteoarthritis’ treatment must simultaneously control the pain and slow down the process of joint degeneration. Today, new treatments based on hyaluronic acid can counteract cartilage deficits, enha ... ...