ICP-MS analysis for the characterization of the origins of wines

*Corresponding Author
1. Università Chieti-Pescara, DEc. Laboratorio di Merceologia, Viale Pindaro 42, Pescara, Italy
2. School of Engineering, Architecture/Motor Science Kore University, Enna, Italy/University Foundation, Centre of Study onAging (Ce.S.I.), Chieti, Italy
Element profiling might represent a valid too for the determination of the origins of foods. In the present study, we have investigated this issue within the oenological sector on 32 wines produced in Abruzzo, Italy. In order to assess wine element composition, we used inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry, which can be used to determine the levels of a wide range of metals in a short time and classified wine samples on the basis of their origins and element profiles using discriminant analysis. We determined the levels of the following elements: Li, Be, Na, Mg, Al, Ca, V, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Ga, Se, Rb, Sr, Cs, Ba and Pb. Our analytical approach provided suitable sensitivity for accurate quantification of these elements in red and white wines. The limit of quantification were between between 0.1 dg L-1 (Co, m/z 59) and 42 /g L-1 (Fe, m/z 57). Precision expressed as relative standard deviation and calculated under repeatability conditions was between 3% (Fe, m/z 57) and 22.53% (Co, m/z 59). Recovery values obtained by spike experiments were between 77±5 (Pb, m/z 206) and 110±6 (Li, m/z 7). As specific markers, we evaluated the concentrations of Sr, Ba and Rb. The classification of wines were 100% accurate in linear discriminant analysis. Overall, this study investigates wines produced in central Italy, and it contributes to their traceability and assessment of their origin. Furthermore, our data are in agreement with previously published data, and will help to contribute towards the creation of a national database to protect the consumer against commercial fraud.
Recently, grapevine (Vitis vinifera) cultivation has spread into geographical areas and continents where there was not previously any tradition in this sector. Therefore, in a more globalised market, there is a large presence of wines with standardised and homogeneous characteristics of their composition, which often represent imitations of products coming from local supply chains. The differences in wine composition depends on the cultivars, environment, technologies used and operative techniques. All of these factors contribute to the quality (physicochemical, sensorial, hygienically safe) and to the excellence of origin according to the introduction of the DOP and IGP classifications (1).
The European Community (EC) understands the importance of the protection of local products. To achieve this, the EC issued Regulation EC 1169/2011(2), according to which it is mandatory to indicate the origin of many products, including wines, extra virgin olive oil, honey, fruit, tomato sauce, fresh milk, and sheep and pork. The traceability of the origins of these products can be important in order to protect the origins of national and local f ...