Panel Discussion on Healthy lifestyle – Commentary article

Member of Agro Food Industry Hi tech Scientific Advisory Board
A converging series of market trends are accelerating changes to our lifestyle. Worldwide, a growing middle class has better access to food, information and medical care. The way we communicate, work and spend our free time has dramatically changed, and is becoming increasingly ‘digital’. Furthermore, there is an increasing awareness that we must reduce the ecological footprint of a growing human population if we want modern lifestyles to become sustainable.
In the following Panel Discussion, food and nutritional experts give their view on how these and other trends are affecting consumer behavior, and how the industry is responding with the development of new products, services and business models.
Healthy nutrition is a key element in the prevention of lifestyle-associated diseases such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes and inflammatory conditions. While various life science innovations have resulted in higher life expectancy through improved standards of care, financial strains on the health care system continue to rise. It is now commonly accepted that we will have to pay more attention to disease prevention instead of tr ...