IOPC – Conference abstracts

Day 1 - June 25

Lars Holmberg, PeptiSystems AB (Plenary session)

Past and future challenges related to process development and manufacturing of oligonucleotides and peptides
Process development and manufacturing of peptide and oligonucleotide therapeutics have made great progress in the last decades thanks to improvements in different areas such as chemistry, instrumentation, analysis, and raw material quality, cost, and availability. This presentation will cover challenges in the areas that have been overcome in the past, the ones that still exist and how they can be addressed.


Thomas Müller-Späth, Chromacon (Joint Oligo & Peptide Session)

A systematic approach for MCSGP optimization
MCSGP process (“Multicolumn Countercurrent Solvent Gradient Purification”) represents a scalable manufacturing solution to match the increasing demand of oligonucleotide and peptide drugs. It displays several advantages over traditional singlecolumn chromatography such as increased yield, elimination of re-chromatography and reduced eluent consumption. The MCSGP ...