Low and high density polyethylene waste plastics conversion into liquid hydrocarbon fuel

*Corresponding author
Natural State Research, Inc, 37 Brown House Road (2nd Floor), Stamford, CT-06902, USA
The demand of fuel continues to increase throughout the world. Over 81 million barrels of liquid fuel are consumed everyday worldwide only for transportation vehicle. That’s excluding the amount needed to produce plastics for daily use. On the other side use of plastics are increasing day by day, due to light weight and easy to carry. Plastics are also manufactured from crude oil. After use all of these plastics become waste plastics. Now days these waste plastics are become an environmental hazard. New establish technology which is economically viable, technically sound and environment friendly to convert almost all types of waste plastic into eco-friendly liquid fuel.
High and low density polyethylene waste plastics conversion into liquid hydrocarbon fuel has been attracting great attention as a key technology to solve environmental protection problems. It has been reported that thermal cracking produce liquid product from waste plastics. The growing amount of plastic waste mostly high density polyethylene and low density polyethylene is generating more and more environmental problems worldwide. The present rate of economic growth is unimaginable without saving of fossil energy like crude oil, natural gas or coal. Suitable waste management is another important aspect of sustainable development. Plastic wastes represent a considerable part of municipal wastes; furthermore huge amounts of plastic waste arise as a by-product or faulty product in industry and agriculture. According to estimates, plastic wastes represent 15-25 percent of municipal waste. The amount of plastic materials was 25 Mt in Europe and it will reach 35 Mt by 2010 (1, 2). Nowadays there are three ways to utilize plastic waste land filling, incineration with or without energy recovery and recycling. The largest amount of plastic wastes is ...