Marcsi’s rejuvenating cream with honey

Consultant in Cosmetic Formulation Chemistry, United Kingdom
The product under review was found at a local market in the Hungarian countryside: it is a multifunctional topical cream that can be used to soothe and moisturise any body part.
It is manufactured by a Family of beekeepers who also produce the honey, beeswax and propolis utilised in the cream.
Propolis is extracted via maceration, a completely natural method that makes no use of solvents such as alcohol.
From a formulation perspective, this is an oil-in-water emulsion system featuring only few ingredients.
Olive Oil, Shea Butter and Beeswax make up the fatty phase.
Olive Oil is probably one of the first ingredients used for topical applications in history: the ancient Greeks, Egyptians and Romans used it for bathing and medicinal purposes.
Olive Oil contains various potent compounds, many with antioxidant properties, such as polyphenols, squalene, fatty acids (particularly oleic acid), triglycerides, tocopherols, carotenoids, sterols, and chlorophylls.
In particular, the phenols in virgin olive o ...