Matching the potential of Process Intensification technologies like continuous manufacturing/flow chemistry with the emerging Societal and Business Challenges in Medicines Manufacture and Supply. Part 2 – Technological Solutions

rutterdesign, Saffron Walden, Essex, United Kingdom
Flow Chemistry and Continuous Manufacture offer a wider set of chemical transformations for industrial manufacturing processes and in doing so allows intensification and simplification of synthetic routes to complex organic molecules. This technological approach alone does not address the emerging needs for supply of products like medicines; that of a sustainable and resilient supply base that can quickly supply patients. This requires the addition of new approaches to Automation, Digitalisation, Modularity and Modelling to the functionality of Flow Chemistry to achieve a transformation of the design processes and the supply chain for medicine manufacture.
Part 1 of this paper outlined the societal need for change in the way medicines are supplied, namely reliance of supply and speed of supply, the technological solutions need to have these interlinked attributes and are discussed in this paper.
Speed of Manufacture requires
- Fast exploration of the Design Space between Chemistry, Engineering and Economics. The universe of potential solutions needs to be explored quickly.
- The Equipment space must be deployable quickly. Batch circumvents this issue by being able to run any process. Flow Chemistry uses a greater diversity of specific unit operations that need to be selected for a particular recipe. Modularity of equipment libraries specifically addresses this issue.
- The Process Converts raw materials to product quickly. To make a complex synthesis in weeks not months/years. Continuous Manufacture and Advanced Catalysis enable this.
Sustainable Supply means
- Production is frugal with respect to energy, transport, and natural r ... ...