Micro-emulsions for the control of palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis

1. Department of Pharmacy (DIFARMA), University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
2. Global Parapharmaceutical Science, Mylan, Milan, Italy
Hyperhidrosis is characterised by excessive perspiration, particularly in the axillary, palm and sole areas. It interferes with professional life, everyday activities and social situations, causing embarrassment and distress. Preparations for topical treatment of hyperhidrosis must be effective, long-lasting, easy to use, and have a rapid onset of action. This study presents preliminary data on the efficacy of an aluminium salt-based micro-emulsion for the control of axillary hyperhidrosis and odour (as a spray formulation) and palmar hyperhidrosis (as impregnated disposable wipes). The product provided effective and long-lasting control of both conditions. Axillary odour was significantly (p<0.05) reduced and considered absent after 8 and 24h from initial application. Palmar sweat was reduced by 17% at 1 hour (p<0.05).
Perspiration is a natural phenomenon needed to regulate body temperature. The secretion of perspiration is regulated by stimuli in the autonomic nervous system (1, 2). In approximately 1% of the population, this system works at a much higher level than is necessary to regulate body temperature. This is called hyperhidrosis. When a symptom of a known underlying condition, it is known as secondary hyperhidrosis (3). Conditions that can cause excessive perspiration, generally occurring all over the body, include hyperthyroidism and other endocrine disorder, hormonal treatments for cancer, psychiatric diseases, obesity, menopause, and hormonal imbalance (4). Hyperhidrosis is known as primary or essential when it occurs without a known underlying causal condition. Anxiety can aggravate or trigger a sweating attack. Approximately 0.9% of the Italian population is affected by secondary hyperhidrosis, and 1.5% by a primary form (5).
Two-thirds of the sweat glands are located in the hands. Excessive sweating in this area is generally the most distressing condition in professional life and interferes with practical everyday activities and ...