Neurosensory evaluation a new approach for cosmetics

CEO & Founder, Skinobs, Le Bourget-Du-Lac, France
Thanks to advancements in neuroscience and technology since the 2010s, it is now possible to scientifically and dynamically evaluate the psychological and physiological impact of emotions related to the use of cosmetic products and the resulting actions. Experts agree that 6 primary emotions, sometimes more, constitute the common and universal base of individuals with: pleasure, sadness, fear, disgust, surprise, and anger. To objectify emotions scientifically, there is not a single simple and direct method but a multitude of methods. it is crucial to consider, in the design of the protocols, the claim sought, the type of product studied, the typology of consumers and to integrate all three expressive, physiological, and subjective components of the emotion.
Cosmetics are considered to have a positive effect on well-being in a variety of ways. Their application in a Beauty routine can help to boost self-confidence and self-esteem, as well as providing a sense of control over one’s appearance. Personal care application can be used to relax, providing a sense of calm and serenity. This is the experience that consumers are looking for when spending time in Spa for aesthetic treatments and massages. Consumers, while using personal care, seek a better balance of their body and their mind.
The increase of holism approach coincides with the quests of senses that consumer are facing while examining the consumerism situation, the stress of their environment. It answers the needs of search for a well-being in all parts and layers of their life, work, family, couples, friends, and social relations.
Holism is nowadays influencing the way that cosmetics are developed and integrates the idea that all parts of a system are interconnected and interdependent, and that the Beauty experience should be viewed rather than as a collection of individual experience. This approach emphasizes the interconnected ...