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Queen’s scientists develop first perfume which smells better the more you sweat

The first-ever perfume delivery system to ensure the more a person sweats, the better they will smell, has been developed by scientists at Queen’s University Belfast.
Researchers in the Queen’s University Ionic Liquid Laboratories (QUILL) Research Centre have developed a unique new perfume delivery system which releases more of its aroma when it comes into contact with moisture, meaning a person smells nicer when their sweat levels increase.
This innovative perfume system has been created by tagging a raw fragrance onto an ionic liquid (salt in the form of liquid) which has no smell. The ‘perfumed ionic liquid’ releases its aroma when it comes into contact with water, allowing more of the perfume’s scent to be released onto a person’s skin.
In addition, the perfume system also has the ability to remove the bad odours that come from sweat.  The ‘thiol’ compounds that are responsible for the malodour of sweat are attracted to the ionic liquid, attaching themselves to it and losing their potency.
The breakthrough could have major commercial possibilities, potentially providing a new way to develop products for the huge personal care market. QUILL researchers are currently working with a perfume development company to identify a number of product ideas that could eventually be sold in shops.
Project leader, Dr Nimal Gunaratne, from the Queen's University Belfast Ionic Liquid Laboratories (QUILL) Research Centre, said: “This is an exciting breakthrough that uses newly discovered ionic liquid systems to release material in a controlled manner. Not only does it have great commercial potential, and could be used in perfumes and cosmetic creams, but it could also be used in others area of science, such as the slow release of certain substances of interest.”   
“This innovative development demonstrates the drive of researchers at Queen’s to advancing knowledge and achieving excellence for the benefit of society as a whole.”
The research was carried out by corresponding author Dr Nimal Gunaratne, Professor Ken Seddon and Dr Peter Nockemann, from the Queen's University QUILL Research Centre. 

Bubbles dilemma solved after more than twenty years

It was a question that has kept physicists and chemists busy for more than twenty years. Why can tiny bubbles in a liquid supersaturated with gas remain stable for weeks, while according to theoretical expectation they should disappear in a fraction of a second? Prof. dr. ir. Detlef Lohse from the University of Twente's MESA+ research institute found the answer.

If a water repellent substrate is immersed in water containing dissolved gas, tiny bubbles can form  on the immersed body. These so called surface nanobubbles emerge because the surrounding liquid wants to lose its gas, similar as bubbles emerge in a glass of soda. In the case of the nanobubbles, however, the bubbles are only ten to twenty nanometres in height (one nanometre is one million times smaller than a millimetre), and therefore the (Laplace) pressure in the bubble is very high. According to all the current theories, the bubbles should disappear on their own accord in less than a millisecond, since the gas in the bubbles wants to dissolve in the water again. According to Lohse, this idea is quite similar to a balloon, which - even if it is properly tied - always deflates over time. The reason for this is that a little bit of air constantly leaks through the rubber of the balloon due to diffusion and the high pressure in the balloon. 
In practice, however, the nanobubbles can survive for weeks, as was already observed more than twenty years ago. Nevertheless, scientists failed to find a conclusive explanation for this long lifetime. With the publication of an article in the scientific journal Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), prof. dr. ir. Detlef Lohse and prof. dr. Xuehua Zhang (who besides the UT is also affiliated with the RMIT University in Melbourne) finally provide an explanation for the phenomenon. And they do this with a complete analytical method with relatively simple mathematical formulas. 
The reason that the bubbles survive for such a long period of time lies in the pinning of the three phase contact line. Thanks to the pinning, bubble shrinkage implies an increase of the radius of curvature and thus a smaller Laplace pressure. For stable bubbles the outflux originating from the Laplace pressure and the influx due to oversaturation balance. The result is a stable equilibrium.
The research not only provides an answer to a fundamental physical and chemical question, but also has all sorts of practical applications. The knowledge can, for example, be used to make catalytic reactions more efficient and for flotation processes, a purification technique that is used a lot in the extraction of minerals.

Packaging: Invisible inks could help foil counterfeiters of all kinds

Real or counterfeit? Northwestern University scientists have invented sophisticated fluorescent inks that one day could be used as multicolored barcodes for consumers to authenticate products that are often counterfeited. Snap a photo with your smartphone, and it will tell you if the item is real and worth your money.
Counterfeiting is very big business worldwide, with $650 billion per year lost globally, according to the International Chamber of Commerce. The new fluorescent inks give manufacturers and consumers an authentication tool that would be very difficult for counterfeiters to mimic.
These inks, which can be printed using an inkjet printer, are invisible under normal light but visible under ultraviolet light. The inks could be stamped as barcodes or QR codes on anything from banknotes and bottles of whisky to luxury handbags and expensive cosmetics, providing proof of authenticity.
A key advantage is the control one has over the color of the ink; the inks can be made in single colors or as multicolor gradients. An ink's color depends on the amounts and interaction of three different "ingredient" molecules, providing a built-in "molecular encryption" tool. (One of the ingredients is a sugar.) Even a tiny tweak to the ink's composition results in a significant color change.
"We have introduced a level of complexity not seen before in tools to combat counterfeiters," said Sir Fraser Stoddart, the senior author of the study. "Our inks are similar to the proprietary formulations of soft drinks. One could approximate their flavor using other ingredients, but it would be impossible to match the flavor exactly without a precise knowledge of the recipe."
Sir Fraser is the Board of Trustees Professor of Chemistry in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences.
"The rather unusual relationship between the composition of the inks and their color makes them ideal for security applications where it's desirable to keep certain information encrypted or to have brand items with unique labels that can be authenticated easily," Stoddart said.
With a manufacturer controlling the ink's "recipe," or chemical composition, counterfeiters would find it virtually impossible to reverse engineer the color information encoded in the printed barcodes, QR codes or trademarks. Even the inks' inventors would not be able to reverse engineer the process without a detailed knowledge of the encryption settings.
Stoddart's research team, led by Xisen Hou and Chenfeng Ke, stumbled across the water-based ink composite serendipitously. A series of rigorous follow-up investigations unraveled the mechanism of the unique behavior of the inks and led the scientists to propose an encryption theory for security printing.
Hou, a third-year graduate student, and Ke, a postdoctoral fellow, are co-first authors of the paper.
The researchers developed an encryption and authentication security system combined with inkjet-printing technology. In the study, they demonstrated both a monochromic barcode and QR code printed on paper from an inkjet printer. The information, invisible under natural light, can be read on a smartphone under UV light.
As another demonstration of the technology, the research team loaded the three chemical components into an inkjet cartridge and printed Vincent Van Gogh's "Sunflowers" painting with good color resolution. Like the barcodes and QR codes, the printed image is only visible under UV light.
The inks are formulated by mixing a simple sugar (cyclodextrin) and a competitive binding agent together with an active ingredient (a molecule known as heterorotaxane) whose fluorescent color changes along a spectrum of red to yellow to green, depending upon the way the components come together. An infinite number of combinations can be defined easily.
Although the sugar itself is colorless, it interacts with the other components of the ink, encapsulating some parts selectively, thus preventing the molecules from sticking to one another and causing a change in color that is difficult to predict. This characteristic presents a formidable challenge to counterfeiters.
Hou and Ke were trying to prevent fluorophore aggregation by encircling a fluorescent molecule with other ring-shaped molecules, one being cyclodextrin. Unexpectedly, they isolated the compound that is the active ingredient of the inks. They found that the compound's unusual arrangement of three rings trapped around the fluorescent component affords the unique aggregation behavior that is behind the color-changing inks.
"You never know what Mother Nature will give you," Hou said. "It was a real surprise when we first isolated the main component of the inks as an unexpected byproduct. The compound shows a beautiful dark-red fluorescence under UV light, yet when we dissolve it in large amounts of water, the fluorescent color turns green. At that moment, we realized we had discovered something that is quite unique."
The fluorescent colors can be tuned easily by adding the sugar dissolved in water. As more cyclodextrin is added, the fluorescent color changes from red to yellow and then green, giving a wide range of beautiful colors. The fluorescent color can be reversed, by adding another compound that mops up the cyclodextrin.
The researchers also discovered that the fluorescent ink is sensitive to the surface to which it is applied. For example, an ink blend that appears as orange on standard copy paper appears as green on newsprint. This observation means that this type of fluorescent ink can be used to identify different papers.
"This is a smart technology that allows people to create their own security code by manually setting all the critical parameters," Hou said. "One can imagine that it would be virtually impossible for someone to reproduce the information unless they knew exactly all the parameters."
The researchers also have developed an authentication mechanism to verify the protected information produced by the fluorescent security inks. Simply by wiping some wet authentication wipes on top of the fluorescent image causes its colors to change under UV light.
"Since the color changing process is dynamic, even if counterfeiters can mimic the initial fluorescent color, they will find it impossible to reproduce the color-changing process," Ke emphasized.

Enzyme in cosmetic products can act as allergen via the skin

Papain is an important industrial protein-degrading enzyme that is used, for example, in the food and cosmetic industries. When humans or animals come in contact with papain, strong allergic reactions of the skin can be the result, as scientists from the Messerli Research Institute of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, the Medical University of Vienna, and the University of Vienna have found out.

Papain is found naturally in papaya and is often referred to as a “plant-based pepsin” in reference to the digestive enzyme pepsin that is present in the stomach. Erika Jensen-Jarolim, Head of the Department of Comparative Medicine at the Messerli Research Institute, and her team researched the effect of papain directly on the skin of mice as well as on skin cells in the petri dish. The cosmetic industry uses papain in exfoliating treatments to remove dead surface skin. There even are enzyme-based shampoos for house pets to clean the fur and make it easier to brush.

How papain induces allergic reactions
Skin consists of several layers joined via cellular connections called “tight junctions”. First authors Caroline Stremnitzer and Krisztina Manzano-Szalai and the project team showed that papain induces a breakdown of these cell-cell junctions. On the skin, papain results in a loss of the barrier function. “After just a short period of time, papain increased vascular permeability and inflammatory cells infiltrated the skin,” Jensen-Jarolim explains. Around two weeks after being exposed to papain, the researchers found antibodies to papain in the mice. These immunoglobulins are the cause of the allergic reaction toward the enzyme. “Exposed mice not only experienced a loss of the barrier function of the skin, but also had a specific allergic sensitization toward papain. The animals developed an allergy,” says allergy expert Jensen-Jarolim. 

Caution is called for with papain-containing products
But the permeation of the skin barrier does not appear to be a prerequisite for sensitization toward papain. “The enzyme remains allergenic even when its enzymatic function has been blocked,” explains Jensen-Jarolim. The disruption to the skin barrier, she says, is essential for the infiltration of other allergens and bacteria. In humans and in animals, diseases of the skin such as atopic dermatitis, commonly referred to as eczema, involve an increased permeability of the skin with a heightened risk for bacterial, fungal, or viral colonisation. Besides genetic factors, allergenic enzymes from external sources may also contribute to the symptoms. It is striking that papain has an enormous structural similarity with one of the most important house dust mite allergens. The authors conclude that sensitization toward these house dust mite allergens follows the same principle. “People with sensitive skin as well as small children should avoid the enzyme (EC Number as much as possible and observe the ingredients declaration for consumer products as

New safety test predicts reactions to novel drugs and cosmetics

A simple lab-based skin test, which eliminates the risk of adverse reactions to new drugs, cosmetics and household chemicals has been developed by a Newcastle University team.
It uses real human skin and immune cells to show any reaction such as a rash or blistering indicating a wider immune response within the body.
The development is timely as it offers a reliable alternative for the cosmetic industry as a ban on the sale of any cosmetic product tested on animals came into effect across Europe in March.
Professor Anne Dickinson from the Institute of Cellular Medicine recently presented the technology at the In-Vitro Testing Industrial Platform (IVTIP) conference in Brussels. She said: “This skin assay offers an accurate and rapid alternative to animal testing and provides the bridge between the laboratory tests for novel drugs and the first stage of clinical trials in humans.
“It is accurate and faster than anything currently around and can save companies time and resources. The test identifies drugs or products which are likely to cause a reaction or just not work effectively in humans.”
The test called SkimuneTM, which is trademarked and has a patent pending, has been successfully tested by a number of large pharmaceutical companies on drugs in development and provides a reliable result within two weeks.
By revealing skin sensitisation or an adverse reaction that may not be identified by use of an animal or computer model, the assay can provide vital information which will allow a drug company to make informed decisions earlier saving significant development costs.
Professor Dickinson said: “We’ve already shown this works as a way of testing new drugs for adverse immune reactions that can’t be identified when tested in animal models.”
Working with the National Institute of Biological Standards and Control (NIBSC) the Newcastle team have been testing monoclonal antibodies for adverse responses. Professor Dickinson added: “Our SkimuneTM test would have predicted the terrible outcome at Northwick Park in 2006. Then six men taking part in a clinical trial had severe reactions to a monoclonal antibody resulting in organ failure. Previous laboratory and animal research gave no indication that this was likely to occur.
“Our test would have picked up the risk because it is a skin-based model of the human immune response.”
The skin assay has been developed using cells isolated from blood samples from a range of healthy volunteers. Differentiated into dendritic cells, which activate the T-cells, these in turn create a cytokine storm. Useful for fighting infection, if this immune response goes unchecked it can be extremely harmful to the individual. SkimuneTM provides a histology skin damage read out enabling the severity and potency of reaction to be gauged.

Unger Fabrikker A.S announces that they have been certified by Bureau Veritas Certification to obtain the Supply Chain Certification System (SCCS) in compliance with Mass Balance (MB) standards as a producer using fatty alcohols and ethoxylates based on Palm Kernel Oil.
Unger Fabrikker A.S, a member of the Round Table of Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) since 2012, is committed to sustainable palm oil production, with the Mass Balance certification, Unger contributes to promote an environmental friendly global palm oil production.
CEO Jan Ivar Ruud states that: “the RSPO certification is one important step in Unger’s strategy for long term sustainability. Unger Fabrikker A.S’ goal is to have suppliers that are 100% RSPO certified on fatty alcohols and ethoxylates by the end of 2016”.
www.unger.no - sales@unger.no or phone: +47 69 70 82 00

Unilever Overseas Holdings B.V. ("Unilever") would like to announce its intention to make an offer to increase its equity stake in Unilever Nigeria PLC ("Unilever Nigeria" or the "Company") from 50.04% up to a maximum of 75% (the "Proposal") and to maintain the Company's listing on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Unilever Nigeria is present in the Nigerian market in foods, refreshment, household and personal care products. Under the terms of the Proposal, Unilever would acquire up to 944,465,532 shares in the Company at an intended offer price of NGN 45.50 per share in cash (the “Offer Price”). It is intended that the Proposal would be effected by way of a Tender Offer, by giving any shareholder who elects to sell some or all of their shares in Unilever Nigeria the opportunity to do so. The Proposal represents a premium of 33.8% to the Company's closing share price on 23 March 2015 and a premium of 33.2% to the 3 month Volume Weighted Average share price. The total value of the transaction at the intended Offer Price and maximum acceptance is approximately NGN 42.973 billion or €200 million (based on prevailing foreign exchange rates).


In line with the latest trends in skin care products, Beracare BBATM is Beraca’s latest global launch. The active ingredient has proven efficiency in skin care formulations. A scientific research carried out by a well-known French laboratory in 2014 found that the ingredient, which is 100% natural and organic certified, has proven skin care properties. The main highlights are its lightening effect, resulting from the reduction of melanin synthesis, and anti-ageing benefits, by stimulating the production of proteins such as collagen and hyaluronic acid.
Lightening – Beracare BBATM can be used as a natural replacement for alpha-arbutin, an active ingredient widely used by the industry that may cause undesirable side effects.
Anti-ageing – Beracare BBATM stimulates the production of hyaluronic acid, a natural polysaccharide present in human skin which has a great capacity to retain water, thereby making the skin elastic and younger looking.
Market data – According to Euromonitor, the skin care segment represents the largest share of the global cosmetics market, with annual sales of US$107 billion (2013).
“We Bridge” – Beraca is one of the largest suppliers of natural and organic ingredients sourced from the Amazon Rainforest and other Brazilian biomes for the cosmetics, pharmaceutical and personal care industry.


The range of green cosmetic ingredients continues to expand, however adoption issues persist. Organic Monitor
(www.organicmonitor.com) finds traceability, supply fluctuations, and price volatility are preventing higher adoption rates.
As will be shown at the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit (www.sustainablecosmeticssummit.com), a shift is taking place whereby new green materials are focusing on environmental impacts, as well as consumer impacts. Initially, green ingredients were introduced to replace materials with associated health risks, such as synthetic preservatives, surfactants and emulsifiers. New green materials are addressing environmental issues, and not just consumer concerns about safety.
One example is the growing number of squalane materials replacing squalene (shark liver oil). With many shark species becoming endangered, NGOs are putting pressure on cosmetic companies to use squalane from sustainable sources. However, such squalane is usually priced higher and supply can be an issue for agricultural-based materials. There are also concerns that some shark-based squalane is marketed as sustainable squalane.
Regulations are also encouraging companies to use green chemicals. In the US, the New Jersey, Wisconsin and Illinois states are introducing legislation to prohibit the manufacture and sale of personal care products with microplastic exfoliants because of their impact on marine ecosystems. L’Oreal and Unilever are following natural cosmetic companies by removing polyethylene beads from their formulations. Green alternatives to microbeads are being developed from corn, jojoba, wood cellulose, and natural minerals.
Not all such green ingredients are being accepted by certification agencies because of concerns about GMO contamination. As in the food industry, traceability is becoming important with companies requesting details of agricultural starting material. Otherwise, the green material may not get approval from natural & organic cosmetic standard agencies. Consumer perceptions arguably have the most influence on green formulations. In a 2014 study by Organic Monitor, parabens were cited as the synthetic chemicals most buyers of natural & organic cosmetics look to avoid. Formulators now have access to a wide range of green preservative materials, as well as self-preservation techniques. In a dedicated workshop at the Sustainable Cosmetics Summit, Organic Monitor will show that there is ‘no magic bullet’ to replace parabens in cosmetic formulations. The palette of green materials has grown considerably in recent years, however there are also now concerns about long-term investment. At the manufacturer level, the shift towards green materials was partly driven by high oil prices. The price of petroleum feedstock has dropped significantly in recent months, widening the price differential between synthetic and renewable materials. With green materials also susceptible to supply fluctuations, greater price volatility, as well as traceability issues, adoption rates are expected to remain mixed.
Green ingredients are a major focus of the upcoming Sustainable Cosmetics Summit. Sustainable alternatives to contentious ingredients, such as microplastic beads, squalene, parabens, synthetic surfactants and emulsifiers will be featured in the 3-day summit.

Huntsman presents it an expanded portfolio of surfactants and pigments. Huntsman's offering for the cosmetics sector has grown significantly through acquisition and by evolving existing products to fit market needs. From waste and emission reduction schemes to product stewardship initiatives, and personal and process safety improvements, the company keeps a careful eye on progress and always sets new targets to work towards. Huntsman recently announced that its European surfactant plants have been accredited by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO). Huntsman is renowned for creating chemical intermediates that are used to improve the efficacy of some of the world's best-known beauty brands. Under its 'We Care' range the company manufactures and markets high performance solutions including emulsifiers, conditioning agents, foam boosters & stabilizers, mildness agents, pearlizing formulas and thickeners for personal care essentials such as nourishing skin, hair care and cosmetic products. Purity pigments are another specialist area with the business developing non-sensitizing solutions that can be easily incorporated into cosmetic products to help deliver radiant color, softness and good overall coverage.

- worldwide partner of the automotive, paint and plastic industries for quality control of color, appearance and physical properties - is now introducing a complete new and innovative line of accessories for the cosmetic industry. Make-up is mainly used to accentuate a person’s character and fashion style through the use of color, gloss and glitter. The batch-to-batch consistency in color and appearance of every single cosmetic product plays an important role to the consumer. The visual impression establishes the perception of quality and is a strong driving factor in the consumer’s purchasing decision. Brand loyalty is developed in the consumer by delivering a consistent and high level of quality. In order to guarantee consistent color and appearance, objectively benchmark new products compared to existing or competitive products, or innovate a completely new look and make decisions based on facts, it is essential to define numerical parameters with customer relevant tolerances. These parameters are then controlled in daily production and communicated among the entire supply chain of raw material and final product suppliers. Consistent color and appearance needs an OBJECTIVE EYE! The measurement of cosmetic products, however, presents numerous challenges: Liquid, pasty or powdery materials are likely to contaminate an instrument’s optics, whilst small and curved surfaces are difficult to be measured without the influence of ambient light. BYK-Gardner provides the solution with specially designed accessories for non-contact and completely shielded measurements of liquids, pastes, powders and even small and curved samples like e.g. lipsticks and artificial fingernails.


"Our intention is to turn Evonik into one of the world's most innovative companies" affirmed Klaus Engel, the Chairman of the Executive Board: "Innovations are a key element of our growth strategy" noted Engel, who went on to announce continued high investments in research & development (R&D) for the future. Evonik plans to invest over €4 billion in R&D over the next decade. Engel referred to innovations as the ‘elixir of life’ for the specialty chemicals industry: "Innovations open up new business areas and strengthen our leading market and technology positions". In fiscal year 2014, Evonik's R&D spending amounted to €413 million, an increase of 5 percent over the previous year (€394 million). The R&D investment ratio was 3.2 percent (2013: 3.1 percent). Evonik intends to make tangible improvements to its innovative power, as innovations are to make key contributions to revenues and earnings in the future. The company plans to significantly expand its innovation pipeline to keep up a steady flow of new products and solutions. Ulrich Küsthardt, who was appointed Chief Innovation Officer at Evonik earlier this year, presented a three-point plan for this purpose. "We must become more focused in our projects, more international in our research, and more open in our exchange of knowledge" said Küsthardt. The goal is to bring innovations to consumers with even greater speed and efficiency.


To mark its 120th anniversary this year, Firmenich proudly launches its new website www.firmenich.com. Through this renewed experience of Firmenich, the world’s largest privately-owned Fragrance and Flavor House and No.2 worldwide confirms its commitment to partnering for success with its customers by leading in creativity, driving world-class research and advancing its thought-leadership in sustainability. Gilbert Ghostine, CEO says: “As we enter the year of our 120th Anniversary, it is critical for me to celebrate the unique spirit of Firmenich, at the heart of our success era after era, and to renew our commitment to it today. At Firmenich we have always made a difference for our customers by pushing our creativity forward; putting our innovation to work for more emotion as well as to make the world a better place; cherishing nature and leading in sustainability; while nurturing our colleagues, the soul of our company. For me, what really sets Firmenich apart is our unique spirit, because we care: we care for our customers, colleagues, communities, and of course, creativity, the heart of everything we do. Because, what we do is more than a business, it’s a family with a legacy. I am very proud to be sharing and renewing Firmenich’s commitment to this unique spirit today through our new website”.

Sirona Biochem Corp. announces the successful development of a third innovative skin-lightening compound that has superior safety, with zero hydroquinone release and 8 times the efficacy of deoxyarbutin. This innovation was made possible through Sirona’s platform technology of fluorination chemistry and through support of the European Union and the European Regional Development Fund (E.R.D.F.). Sirona Biochem has conducted comprehensive safety and efficacy studies in accordance with the standards of the cosmetic industry, demonstrating that SBM-TFC-1067 has the following scientifically proven properties:
-A superior safety profile over deoxyarbutin, with zero hydroquinone released in all chemical and biological tested conditions; -8 times the efficacy of deoxyarbutin; -A high capacity to reach the site of action in the epidermis; -Additional antioxidant properties.
“These results support our belief that we have developed the safest, most effective skin lightener in the world”, said Attila Hajdu. “We foresee partnering this asset within a year. Our preferred partner will be a multinational corporation with a commercial infrastructure in Japan and Asia-Pacific. The valuation of this partnership will reflect the exceptional attributes of SBM-TFC-1067”. The global skin lightening market is expected to reach $20 Billion USD by 2018. As previously announced, the detailed safety and efficacy data will be presented at the Bio-Europe conference in Paris on March 11th and will be available for download on our corporate website under the Events section.

Fusion Packaging, global leader in innovative skincare packaging solutions, further expands its brand-building stock packaging collection with the introduction of Tru Jumbo and Millennium Jumbo airless bottles. Ideal for cleansers, bonus sizes and body products, these grandiose airless bottles are available in 50 ml, 75 ml and 100 ml capacities. Tru’s classic appeal and diverse decoration options makes it one of Fusion’s most popular and versatile packaging collections. With the addition of Tru Jumbo, which offers 0.5 ml and 1.0 ml product output levels, the Tru collection provides brands with a broad range of sizes, shapes and dispensing options. Brands looking to develop or expand product lines may conveniently choose from Tru’s diverse pack options including airless bottles, atmospheric bottles, airless tubes and jumbo airless bottles to unify product lines with Tru’s iconic, tiered actuator. In contrast to the traditional aesthetic of Tru, the Millennium Jumbo collection features a more modern profile with an ergonomic actuator and curved collar design. The 41 mm diameter all-polypropylene (PP) package offers brands a large canvas for custom decoration, including silk screen, hot stamp, heat transfer label (HTL), and vacuum metallization techniques. Millennium is highly compatible with most product formulations, while airless dispensing technology boasts quicker strokes to prime, precision dosing, and a metal-free product path for formula protection and preservation.


Gattefossé has obtained exclusive rights to develop and commercialize cosmetic active ingredients obtained using the highly innovative NaDES technology (Natural Deep Eutectic Solvents). This patented technology is directly inspired by the way in which metabolites are solubilized in plant cells, through eutectic combinations of sugars and nitrogen compounds. It allows the creation of active compositions unattainable with conventional solvents. Natural, non-toxic and efficient at low temperatures, the NaDES technology is perfectly aligned with the Gattefossé strategy to provide high-performance sustainable ingredients with positive environmental impact. Frederic Demarne, Scientific Director: “This is a very exciting development for Gattefossé. Using this technology we have been able to discover previously unknown benefits of existing plant species and our Research and Development teams are identifying further advantages every day. NaDES is certain to be a source of many new cosmetic actives in the future and a breakthrough for the industry”.