PAT leads the way in the adoption of continuous manufacturing processes – What are the benefits of PAT and the aspects to consider when deploying it?

*Corresponding author
1. Optimal Industrial Technologies, Bristol, United Kingdom
2. ABCS Srl, Milano, Italy
The use of data to gain actionable insight into manufacturing and processing activities, to optimise them and attain continuous flows, is at the heart of the fourth industrial revolution. In the chemical and biotechnology sectors, where complex chemical reactions and bio processes may be required to deliver key products, it is essential to have an in-depth, data-driven understanding of how critical process parameters (CPPs) influence a product’s critical quality attributes (CQAs). To achieve this, businesses should implement Process Analytical Technology (PAT) strategies. In this way, they can manage the complexity of, and effectively control, their processes. This article describes the benefits of this approach and what should be considered when deploying PAT for continuous processing and manufacturing.
The fourth industrial revolution, or Industry 4.0, is driving the digital transformation of business. For example, the latest advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning are supporting drug discovery and clinical trial evaluation by utilising their powerful data mining capabilities (1).
On the factory floor, manufacturers are seeing the benefits of connected machines, processes and systems as well as the power of Big Data. There is the potential to create intelligent networks along the value chain that can control each other and optimise production.
As a result, businesses can benefit from efficient, highly productive, self-automated manufacturing processes that are self-monitoring, able to both flag up and address anomalies in quality in real time. The outcome is a plant that operates at optimal conditions, maintains peak performance and produces high-quality product automatically.
In addition to improving existing production lines, the adoption of Industry 4.0 strategies allows businesses to make significant advances in their manufacturing, as they are given a uni ...