Pharma: a industry horizon guided by patient centricity

Riccardo Palmisano
MolMed SpA
Assobiotec (Biotech Italian Trade Association)
It is expected that by 2030 around 80% of therapies available in the OCSE countries will be based on biotechnology. This is also a trend seen in the diagnostic sector, especially with companion diagnostic tools, key to the sustainability of future biotech personalised therapies.
Based on these premises, it is clear that my first comment is that the future is biotech, including therapeutic vaccines and advanced therapies.
The growing biotech trend will involve R&D industries, scientists, central and regional institutions, regulatory bodies, payers and patients.
From an industrial point of view, starting from the well-known “network innovation” research model, industries and scientists - ones working in public universities and private institutions too - should more and more focus not only on true innovation but also on the sustainability of the entire system.
If we look at the price - $ 475,000 - gained by the first CAR-T therapy developed in the US by Novartis for a niche paediatric indication, clearly such costs can be sustainable only for ultra-rare diseases or indications. Whether these breakthrough cell therapies were authorized for a ...